Your eyes can engage capabilities of your mind beyond everyday logical reasoning.
You process visual symbols both emotionally and rationally. The combination gives you the power to clarify and distill issues, focus the collective mind of a group and commit them to action.
You use your spatial reasoning to easily identify connections and relationships. You “see” integration.
Your visual sense connects directly to your intuition and emotional logic. These are tremendous resources that schools and training programs overlook. These “instincts” kept our forebears alive in challenging conditions for thousands of years and Metaphor Mapping draws on them to help you resolve complex matters, fast.
You feel a visual symbol’s meaning and relate to it viscerally, outside higher level reasoning. Your heart may skip when you encounter a threat.
For example, think of a project or other sequential activity as moving along a time-line. Then, think of that time-line as the flow of a river. As your project moves down the river, a duck may swim in front of your boat. That’s a minor annoyance and you remain fully in control of the situation, right? If around the next bend, a giant crocodile confronts you, that’s a different story. Your career is mortally threatened and you need to change course. Place a crocodile symbol in front of someone with whom you don’t communicate well. He’ll get your message, in a heartbeat!
You use words to think every day thought, BUT, visual symbols are the king of communication.